Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When nature calls, men are lucky!!! They don’t have to fuss as much as women do. We all know who comes back first after a toilet break. The Men! And no wonder: they don’t have to fall in line and they are finished in no time. Because they require no “ wiping “ ceremony unlike women after their simple deed is done..

Women have to wipe.. In a public restroom, a woman will go through the trouble of scrounging for tissue, moistening it with water, or even taking a “tabo” of water inside the cubicle with her, just to make sure she can clean up after relieving herself.

Women need to wipe because the vagina is one very delicate place that needs to be kept clean and dry. Because wetness can often lead to odor, itching and irritation.

After urination is not only time we deal with feminine wetness, it’s an everyday ordeal. Women have daily feminine discharge reflective of their natural monthly cycle. This discharge sometimes feels sticky, lumpy and basically unclean. And during menstruation, blood disturbs the natural acidic pH levels of vagina, leaving it vulnerable to germs that cause odor and infections.

YES…It’s really tough to be a Woman!!

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