Monday, May 16, 2011


this is my prayer when i was pregnant..

Deign,oh Lord Jesus, for the love of the tender hope enclosed within my womb, To hear my prayer.You have bestowed upon me the precious gift of a tiny being throbbing with life within me.Humbly, I thank you for having chosen me as an instrument of your love.During this period of sweet anxiety, help me to live in complete abandonment to your holy will.Grant me theheart of a pure,courageous and generous mother....I offer you all the cares, the worries, the fears, the needs of the little one that is to come.Grant that it be born healthy,protect her body and soul from any harm whatsoever.

You, Oh Mary who knew the ineffable joys of a holy maternity, grant me a heart capable of transmitting a lively and ardent faith.

Sanctify my anxiety; bless this sweet hope, and through your aidand that your divine son, grant through the intercession of st.Dominic save the fruit of my womb may blossom forth into a life of virtue and holiness...Amen

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