Friday, June 25, 2021




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      Why It is okay not to be okay?

    How do you answer the question “How are you?”  is it with a simple, “I’m good,” or, “I am not fine but I     know this too shall pass.”  But are you really okay? Or just pretending?

We have a habit of constantly trying to make other people and ourselves “feel better.” We must learn to accept the fact that sometimes it’s really okay not to be okay. We must let go of the concept that if we are feeling the pain we are weak or something is wrong with us.  Sometimes it's okay to cry it out. Crying is not a sign of weakness. It is okay to feel pain. It is okay to feel frightened because of uncertainty. It is okay to feel alone and lonely.

“It is really okay to not be okay!”. It will definitely pass. Yes, it is temporary. But you can use it to strengthen your faith and honor your emotional experience by not avoiding the pain. Just for today, acknowledge your emotion and show up for whatever you're feeling. (just a random thought)

Happy weekend everyone!





                                            My 4 seasons of happiness

    I always love to travel that's why I chose a career that can bring me to many places that I've never been to. I am always excited to ride a bus, ship, and airplane because I know they will lead me to my destinations. I am always excited to experience the winter in the North and South, to smell the autumn and spring in the West, and always excited to go back to the warm breeze of the East. God is so great that he prepared something good for us - a journey that no bus, nor ship, or plane can bring me. That's a lifetime journey with you. We are blessed to experience the four seasons together. Four seasons of loneliness, ups and downs, and of course four seasons of happiness. I wouldn't trade it with anything else in this world. You are my winter, summer, spring, and fall. You are my serenity and my four seasons of happiness. Looking forward to more travels and adventures with you! We miss you and hope to see you soon!

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